
貓貓冰格/功克力矽膠格 Cat Ice Cube Tray/ Chocolate-making Tray

昨日在 Downtown 一間尋寶店 看見這可愛度爆燈的 貓咪冰格(其實也可用作 chocolate-making,  因用料是 silicone, 可放入焗爐,洗碗機,微波爐~~而且,我發現可把用不完的鮮榨檸檬汁 倒進這tray,  放入冰格, 大約可保存多 1﹣2個月,用時才解凍 (如檸汁是用作煮食如:檸汁煎雞扒等,可放入微波爐叮熱)

Found an ice cube silicone tray yesterday while treasure hunting downtown.  The tray pattern is so cute. Lots of cats~~  It's microwavable & able to put into dishwasher.    This can actually be an ice cube tray or chocolate-making tray.  I would add one more purpose, i.e.  "lemon juice cube tray", for storing unused lemon juice in the freezer.    So, it's multi-purpose !!

看!Cute 爆無極限喔~~


CINDY meow meow 的興趣之一, 是搜尋與貓咪有關的萌爆可愛小物
CINDY meow meow is an ultimate cat lover;  Collecting cute items related to cats is one of my hobbies. 
So please share your collections here;   Likewise, if you see any items either online, or anywhere in the world, please let me know, THANKS~~  

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