
牛油曲奇 Basic Butter Cookies

牛油曲奇餅 Butter Sugar Cookies
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第一次做 慢工出細貨 自家製曲奇 不但可以控制糖的份量 而且可以享受 從"原材料"~例如:麵粉 牛油 糖 雞蛋等等 轉化成一塊塊美味可口的曲奇餅 當中的滿足感確實難以形容 ! 今次的牛油曲奇餅我在表面印上了心心 增加美觀感 不過最想要的是貓貓形狀的 cookie cutter~ 要加緊努力尋找了 今次大約做了三十多塊 帶到朋友家中 Potluck 聚餐 大家一邊飲Martini 一邊吃曲奇餅 這個combination實在創新 !! 

First time making Butter Cookies, please note these are NOT typical American cookies (which I think they lack of appearance).  CINDY meow meow grew up eating lots of European cookies; they can be baked in different shapes.   
One thing I love home-baking is that all ingredients are in controlled.  I don't like food colour and food additives from commercial baking products.   Besides,  it is wonderful to watch all the raw ingredients turning into a final edible shape. I really do enjoy that.

As always, I am hunting for "cat-shaped' collectible items, in this case >> "Cat-shaped" cookie cutter. So please let me know if you ever come across with such cute items.
CINDY meow meow brought about 30-pcs to a potluck party. We were drinking Martini & enjoying all these yummy cookies. What a fun food & beverage combination !!


  • 1 杯 牛油;1 Cup butter, softened
  • 1 杯 白砂糖;1 Cup granulated white sugar
  • 1 茶匙 雲呢拿香精油;1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 茶匙 杏仁香精油;1/2 teaspoon almond extract
  • 1 隻蛋;1 egg
  • 2 茶匙 泡打粉;2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 3 杯 麵粉(for cake & pastry);3 cups all purpose flour


  1. 焗爐預熱至350°F  (Preheat oven to 350° F)
  2. 混合牛油及砂糖至鬆軟 (In the bowl of your mixer cream butter and sugar until smooth
  3. 加入雞蛋﹠兩種香精油 (Beat in extracts and egg)
  4. 在另一大容器  混合泡打粉﹠麵粉   並逐漸加到牛油雞蛋混合物裡  如果麵團變得很實很硬  把麵團從搞拌器拿到工作檯(先洒點粉)再用手搓至平滑柔軟(手要濕一點水) (In a separate bowl combine baking powder with flour and add a little at a time to the wet ingredients. The dough will be very stiff. If it becomes too stiff for your mixer turn out the dough onto a countertop surface. Wet your hands and finish off kneading the dough by hand
  5. 用麵棍把麵團弄至1/4吋厚  再用曲奇餅模印切麵團   (Divide into workable batches, roll out onto a floured surface and cut (1/4 inch thick)
  6. 焗約15分鐘  將烤盤置於架子上,待曲奇涼透Bake at 350 for 15 minutes. Let cool on the cookie sheet until firm enough to transfer to a cooling rack.)
Facebook Fan Page 同步發放 www.facebook.com/cindykitchenmeowmeow
參考 Reference:  http://www.inkatrinaskitchen.com/2011/12/best-sugar-cookie-recipe-and-kitchenaid_28.html


貓貓冰格/功克力矽膠格 Cat Ice Cube Tray/ Chocolate-making Tray

昨日在 Downtown 一間尋寶店 看見這可愛度爆燈的 貓咪冰格(其實也可用作 chocolate-making,  因用料是 silicone, 可放入焗爐,洗碗機,微波爐~~而且,我發現可把用不完的鮮榨檸檬汁 倒進這tray,  放入冰格, 大約可保存多 1﹣2個月,用時才解凍 (如檸汁是用作煮食如:檸汁煎雞扒等,可放入微波爐叮熱)

Found an ice cube silicone tray yesterday while treasure hunting downtown.  The tray pattern is so cute. Lots of cats~~  It's microwavable & able to put into dishwasher.    This can actually be an ice cube tray or chocolate-making tray.  I would add one more purpose, i.e.  "lemon juice cube tray", for storing unused lemon juice in the freezer.    So, it's multi-purpose !!

看!Cute 爆無極限喔~~


CINDY meow meow 的興趣之一, 是搜尋與貓咪有關的萌爆可愛小物
CINDY meow meow is an ultimate cat lover;  Collecting cute items related to cats is one of my hobbies. 
So please share your collections here;   Likewise, if you see any items either online, or anywhere in the world, please let me know, THANKS~~  


果醬牛油曲奇 Jam-Filled Butter Cookies

果醬牛油曲奇餅 Jam-Filled Butter Cookies 

可做30至40塊曲奇餅  (Make: 30 to 40 cookies)
焗 需時 20分鐘  BAKE Time: 20 minutes)
全程需時 1小時 (TOTAL TIME: 1 HR)

材料 Ingredients:
  • 1杯 無鹽牛油 (置室溫至軟); 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 2/3 杯 白砂糖;  2/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 隻 蛋黃(大號); 2 large egg yolks
  • 1 茶匙 雲呢拿香油 ; 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 2 杯 麵粉 2 cups all-purpose flour ;(You can use Cake & Pastry Flour)
  • 1/2 茶匙鹽 ; 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 6安士果醬(不同味道); 6 ounces assorted jam

制作過程 Directions:

  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone mat.
  • 預熱焗爐 375F  放上焗爐紙(牛油紙)
  • Beat together butter ﹠sugar with an electric mixer on medium-high speed until light and fluffy (2 to 3 minutes). 
  • 把牛油及砂糖用 electric mixer 拌勻至鬆軟(用中高速),大約需2至3分鐘
  • Beat in egg yolks & vanilla extract. Add flour and salt & mix until incorporated and dough comes together in a ball.
  • 蛋黃及 雲呢拿香油拌勻   拌入麵粉、糖  直至麵團成一球狀
  • Form dough into 1-inch balls and arrange on prepared baking sheet. Flatten balls slightly with your thumb or the back of a small spoon, leaving an indentation in the centre.
  • 用手把麵團搓成一個個圓形球狀,每個直徑約一吋    把球狀從中間壓篇(可用手指或半圓形狀的量匙)
  • Bake cookies for 8 to 10 minutes or until bottoms are just barely golden.
  • 焗 8至10分鐘 (期間密切留意 以免焗燶)
  • If indentations look shallow, further define them with the back of a spoon and then fill each with approximately 1/2 teaspoon jam. “CINDY meow meow" is using: Peanut butter, Raspberry & Orange Jam.
  • 從焗爐拿出來,如中間半圓形有反彈跡象,可用量匙輕輕再壓一壓。   加入您喜愛的果醬, CINDY meow meow 用了:花生醬、Raspberry、Orange jam 等等
  • Bake for an additional 3 to 4 minutes, or until jam melts slightly and edges of cookies are lightly golden. Transfer cookies to wire racks to cool.
  • 再焗多 3至4分鐘, 置涼
焗的中途 真的整個KITCHEN 充滿牛油香味喔  CINDY meow meow 忍不住口了! 就連 貓咪公主 (PRINCESS meow) 也要來趁熱鬧呢 !! 
YUMMY YUMMY !! CAN'T WAIT !!  "PRINCESS meow" the cat is jumping up to the kitchen counter, she's loving the smell of butter !!

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參考連結 Reference>>

法式燉蛋 Crème Brûlée

法式燉蛋  Crème Brûlée  

並不需要 hand-mixer/  stand-mixer, 更不涉及特殊材料或工具

這樣做:把幾個蛋黃與 動物性鮮奶油 (whipping cream or heavy cream, 35%) 混在一起,

材料 You need :
(1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract)
(3 egg yolks from large eggs)
(1/2 cup confectioner's sugar)
(1 pinch of salt)
  ( 1 1/2 cups heavy cream)
  ( 1/3 cup white sugar) Add later

1 1/2茶匙 雲呢拿香油
半杯 粉狀糖霜
1 1/2杯 動物性鮮奶油, 即忌廉(whipping cream/ heavy cream, 35%)
1/3杯 白砂糖 (後加)

 Yields 4 ramekins (6 once each)
這份量可做4個圓形 ramekins

1. Heat oven to 275°F
2. Add the confectioner's sugar and a pinch of salt, and whisk.
把糖霜 ﹠鹽 完全混合 (工具:用Whisk)
3. Add a drizzle of the cream and whisk it into the egg yolk mixture to lighten it, then add the rest of the cream and whisk.
先加入少許鮮奶油 ﹠蛋黃,混合。 再逐漸加入餘下的鮮奶油

4. Pour the mixture through a sieve into another bowl. Add vanilla extract into the strained curd.
把混合物用篩過慮 並加入雲呢拿香精油

5. Pour the custard into 4 to 6 ramekins or oven-safe bowls and place them in a larger baking dish. Fill the ramekins as close to the edge as you can
倒入ramekin, 盡量加至接近邊緣位置
6. Place the baking dish in the preheated oven, and pour about 3 cups of boiling water into the baking dish around the ramekins.
把ramekin 放入一大焗pan, 把3杯水加入pan裡

整個過程就像燉的方式, 只是在焗爐中進行(法式燉蛋)
~~Bake for at least 50 minutes, and up to 60
~~Let them cool for 5 minutes, then refrigerate for at least 30 minutes
7. When ready to make the sugar crust, take the ramekins out of the refrigerator and dab their tops dry of any moisture or condensation.
雪櫃拿出來, 如果燉蛋表面有水份,用廚房紙輕力印乾
8. Sprinkle a fine layer of sugar over their tops. The key here is for the sugar layer to be of even thickness. Sprinkle the sugar then shake them back and forth to distribute the sugar evenly. 
輕輕洒上一層白砂糖, 均勻分佈
9. Move the top rack in your oven up as high as it will go. Place the ramekins in the oven on the top rack, and turn on the broiler. Broil for 5 to 10 minutes.  Take them out when they are golden brown and bubbling.  (Keep monitoring, to prevent over-cooked !!!)
把焗爐架移至最高,用“BROIL” 的模式,烤5至10分鐘  (期間不斷觀察, 避免烤燶 !!!)
10. It is traditional for crème brûlée to be served cold. If you like it cold, place the ramekins back in the refrigerator. They can be refrigerated for about 30 to 45 minutes before serving. Otherwise, serve luke warm.
可雪30至45分鐘,即成 傳統法式燉蛋!

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