
韓式辣炒雞丁 Korean Spicy Chicken Stir Fry

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多元化的菜式 不但可真加食慾 更可令《半途出家的小廚~~CINDY Meow Meow》對做飯煮食有更深入的認識,在沒有上正規烹飪課、沒有老師的指導下,自學《多國菜式》,極具挑戰性! 
CINDY Meow Meow encourages a variation of cuisine cooked at home. Since I have not attended any culinary classes; therefore it is very challenging for me to cook different ethnic food without professional instruction.  However, CINDY Meow Meow embraces challenge and plan to cook more ethnic food in the future. 

CINDY Meow Meow 今天要介紹的是 韓國菜式: <韓式辣炒雞丁> 
這小炒在韓國也很受歡迎, 韓國朋友們說 這通常是年輕人用來喝酒送飯的
Today's recipe---Korean Spicy Chicken

材料 Preparation:
  • 雞腿肉(去骨) 300g  <Boneless Chicken Thighs  300g>
  • 紫洋蔥  1個 (切塊)    <Red Onion x 1>
  • 甘筍(可不加)  <Carrots---Optional>
  • 蒜蓉  1茶匙   <Garlic  1 teaspoon>
  • 韓式辣椒醬  2湯匙    <Korean Hot Pepper Paste--"Gochujang" 2 tablespoon>
  • 辣椒末 適量   <Cayenne Pepper--a pinch>
  • 茄汁(ketchup) 1湯匙   <Ketchup  1 tablespoon>
  • 糖 1湯匙   <Sugar  1 tablespoon>
  • 小青瓜(切小條) 2條   <Baby Cucumber (Chopped) x 2>
  • 黑芝麻 適量(後加 用作裝飾)   <Black Sesame---a pinch>
  • 青蔥 少許(後加 用作裝飾)   <Chives/ Green Onion---a pinch>
以上材料都可按個人喜好 加多減少
Add or skip any ingredients, according to your own preferences 

醃料  Marinate:
  • 生抽 1.5 茶匙    <Soy Sauce  1.5 teaspoon>
  • 紹興酒(或米酒)1 茶匙   <Cooking WIne  1 teaspoon>
  • 糖 1 茶匙   <Sugar 1 teaspoon>
  • 鹽 1/4 茶匙   <Salt   1/4 teaspoon>
  • 胡椒粉 少許   <White Pepper a pinch>
用以上的料醃雞肉 10分鐘後 加以下的醃料 
Marinate for 10 minutes, then add the following condiments, Mix well
  • 水 少許   <Water>
  • 粟粉 2 茶匙   <Corn Flour  2 tspn>
  • 油 少許  <Canola Oil>
  1. 雞肉 去肥,切塊,醃最少一小時(放入雪櫃);   Remove fats from chicken thighs, cut into bite size. Marinade. (Follow the marinade instructions indicated). Put in fridge & marinate for at least 1 hr. 
  2. 預備洋蔥 蒜蓉及各種蔬菜;  Prepare onions, garlic & other veggies. Cut in bite size.
  3. 下油,加入已切好的洋蔥,中大火 炒至半透明;  Heat oil in frying pan, add onions (medium-high heat)
  4. 先把洋蔥 放在一碟上。鑊中加點油,爆香蒜蓉。下雞肉 ﹠洋蔥,炒至轉色;  Add garlic, chicken thighs & stir for a while.
  5. 加入韓式辣椒醬,茄汁 ﹠ 糖,炒勻;  Add Korean hot pepper paste, ketchup & sugar. Stir well.
  6. 加小青瓜,按個人喜好,加鹽等調味料;  Add cucumbers & salt (until the taste reaches your preference)
  7. 灑下少許青蔥、芝麻 作裝飾;  Sprinkle green onions & black sesame 

韓國朋友告訴 CINDY Meow Meow:  幾乎所有韓國菜式 都是把不同等份的 辣椒醬 加入調味, 所以,如大家第一次做自家韓國菜  建議自加入小入量,以免太辣
~~Korean Hot Pepper Paste "Gochujang"~~
CINDY Meow Meow was told by a Korean friend that almost all Korean dishes involve portions of hot pepper paste. It's up to you to add how much portion in it.  For first timer, add little by little. 

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