
芝士紅黃馬鈴薯青蔥煎餅 Red & Gold Potatoes Mozzarella Cheese Pancakes

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每天吃不同顏色的水果& 蔬菜 可改善改善健康 及提高維他命、礦物質的攝取~  紅、黃馬鈴薯對健康也有不同的好處
To improve health and maximize mineral & vitamin intake, we should eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables each day---How about eating some coloured potatoes ?

CINDY Meow Meow 讀大學時 也曾修過營養學   這21世紀 食物科學(Food Science) 是不可欠缺的知識 
CINDY Meow Meow has a taken a few Nutrition-related courses while in university undergraduate program. Now it's time to applying those knowledges in daily life.

* Red & Yellow Potato nutrients comparison  紅、黃馬鈴薯營養比較 *
85-gram Red Potato = 70 Calories  
85-gram Yellow (Gold) Potato = 77 Calories

85-gram Red Potato = 2g of Protein, 15g Carbohydrates, 1g Fiber
85-gram Yellow Potato = 1.5g of Protein, 19g Carbohydrates, 1g Fiber

85-gram Red Potato = 0.7mg of Iron, 0mg of Calcium
85-gram Yellow Potato = 1.3mg of Iron, 15mg of Calcium

〜鐵質(Iron) 是人體所需 ﹣制造 紅血球,而鈣質(Calcium) ﹣對骨骼健康很重要
〜紅、黃馬鈴薯中的 紅和黃色素(天然)均具抗氧化的功效
~Iron is needed to make red blood cells, and calcium is important for bone health
~Both the Red & Yellow colouring (natural) yields some of its antioxidant power

Recipes of Red & Gold Potatoes Mozzarella Cheese Pancakes (Yields 4-6 pcs)

材料 Preparation :   
~Types of Flour~Link Here 按此> 教學:各種麵粉的分別 Types of Flour for Baking>
紅﹠黃馬鈴薯 380g, 中筋麵粉 200g, 全麥麵粉100g, 熱牛奶 90ml,
橄欖油 2茶匙, 青蔥4條(切蔥花), 紅蘿蔔絲 20g, 芝士絲 60g

Red & Gold mini potatoes 380g, Unbleached All Purpose Flour 200g, Whole Wheat Flour 100g,
Milk 90ml (warm), Olive Oil 2 tbsp, Chives/ Green Onions--4 (Sliced), Shredded Carrots 20g, Mozzarella Cheese 60g (Shredded)

調味料 Condiments :
鹽 1/2 茶匙 (或加多減少 隨自己口味), 白胡椒粉少許   

Salt 1/2 tsp (or more, add to your own preference),  Pinch of white pepper to taste 

做法 Instructions :
1. 馬鈴薯切塊 (如選擇用 RUSSET Potatoes,去皮),放入煲中加清水(水量必須蓋過馬鈴薯塊 太約 2吋);  Cut Red & Gold mini potatoes into slices (If you prefer Russet potatoes, peel off skins),  Add sliced potatoes into large pot of water (Water level should be 2 inches over potatoes)

2. 中火煮12-15分鐘至叉子可以輕易插入的程度;   

Cook potatoes for 12-15 minutes (Medium heat), until they can be poked by a fork

3. 煮軟的馬鈴薯撈起, 瀝乾水, 趁熱用叉子(或用專門做著蓉的 smasher 壓成泥狀)
Smash potatoes using a smasher or fork

4. 中筋麵粉, 全麥麵粉, 橄欖油及調味料放入 已壓好的馬鈴薯蓉中, 再加入熱牛奶
Add All Purpose Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, Olive Oil & condiments into big bowl of smashed potatoes. Add warm milk 

5. 所有材料混合均勻搓成為一個團狀(可用手,或像 CINDY Meow Meow 用 Stand Mixer--用最慢速+勾狀攪拌頭 Dough Hook)  
5. Use your hand (Or like CINDY Meow Meow, use Stand Mixer--lowest speed + dough hook), mix all ingredients into a batter

(若麵團變得太濕, 逐漸酌量加入中筋麵粉; 相反,若太乾,加入牛奶或暖水) (If the batter becomes too wet & watery, gradually add in some cake flour; Likewise, if too dry, add more milk or warm water)

6. 加入蔥花﹠紅蘿蔔絲 & 芝士絲(Shredded Mozzarella Cheese) <<CINDY Meow Meow 選用淺色的,因黃色的含有食用色素
Add sliced chives/ green onions, shredded carrots & shredded mozzarella cheese << CINDY Meow Meow prefers light yellow mozzarella, becoz the yellow one contains artificial food colour. Try to avoid ARTIFICIAL food colouring when possible 

7. 混合均勻,蓋上濕布/濕廚房紙(擰乾)麵團休息閒置30分鐘

Mix the batter well, cover with wet kitchen paper. Let sits for 30 minutes

8. 加入橄欖油在平底鍋中, 中小火煎,至兩面金黃色
Heat pan with olive oil, low-medium,  until pancakes surface turn golden-yellow 

Facebook Fan Page 同步發放 www.facebook.com/cindykitchenmeowmeow

Reference >> http://www.livestrong.com/article/266755-nutritional-difference-between-red-yellow-potatoes/

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