
教學:黃糖/紅糖 放一會就變乾、硬化了!怎辦? How to Soften Brown Sugar ?

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Picture from "The Kitchn"
How to revive rock hard brown sugar ? 
1. 把乾硬了的紅糖 放入碗中(碗要是可放微波爐的);   
Put the dried brown sugar in a microwave-safe bowl.

2. 把一片廚房紙巾(Kitchen paper) ,折疊一半,然後再折一半。直至折了4層; 
Get a piece of kitchen paper towel. Fold in half, and then in half again. You should end up with a square of 4 layers.
3. 濕紙巾 輕輕浸水,直到完全濕潤,擰乾
Wet the paper towel under a tap water until it is completely wet, but not soaked (dripping wet is too wet).
4. 濕紙巾 鋪在紅糖頂部 至完全覆蓋。微波 15秒 (用中﹣低熱度)。從微波爐中取出,用匙羹刮去軟化的紅糖,並放進另一碗中
Lay the wet paper towel over the lump of brown sugar so it is fully covered. Microwave for 15 seconds  (med-low heat).  Remove from microwave and use a spoon  to scrape off the softened brown sugar.  Place the softened brown sugar into another bowl. Set aside.

5. 繼續處理餘下乾硬的紅糖:把廚房紙 翻轉和重複 微波15秒《即重複步驟(4)》 直到所有紅糖軟化
Continue to soften the remaining bowl of brown sugar.  Flip paper towel over. Repeat step (4),  until you end up with re-hydrated brown sugar.
How to Soften Brown Sugar?  Presented by "CINDY's Kitchen~Meow Meow"
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Reference > http://www.chatelaine.com/recipes/cooking-tips/how-to-save-dried-out-brown-sugar/


韓式辣炒雞丁 Korean Spicy Chicken Stir Fry

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多元化的菜式 不但可真加食慾 更可令《半途出家的小廚~~CINDY Meow Meow》對做飯煮食有更深入的認識,在沒有上正規烹飪課、沒有老師的指導下,自學《多國菜式》,極具挑戰性! 
CINDY Meow Meow encourages a variation of cuisine cooked at home. Since I have not attended any culinary classes; therefore it is very challenging for me to cook different ethnic food without professional instruction.  However, CINDY Meow Meow embraces challenge and plan to cook more ethnic food in the future. 

CINDY Meow Meow 今天要介紹的是 韓國菜式: <韓式辣炒雞丁> 
這小炒在韓國也很受歡迎, 韓國朋友們說 這通常是年輕人用來喝酒送飯的
Today's recipe---Korean Spicy Chicken

材料 Preparation:
  • 雞腿肉(去骨) 300g  <Boneless Chicken Thighs  300g>
  • 紫洋蔥  1個 (切塊)    <Red Onion x 1>
  • 甘筍(可不加)  <Carrots---Optional>
  • 蒜蓉  1茶匙   <Garlic  1 teaspoon>
  • 韓式辣椒醬  2湯匙    <Korean Hot Pepper Paste--"Gochujang" 2 tablespoon>
  • 辣椒末 適量   <Cayenne Pepper--a pinch>
  • 茄汁(ketchup) 1湯匙   <Ketchup  1 tablespoon>
  • 糖 1湯匙   <Sugar  1 tablespoon>
  • 小青瓜(切小條) 2條   <Baby Cucumber (Chopped) x 2>
  • 黑芝麻 適量(後加 用作裝飾)   <Black Sesame---a pinch>
  • 青蔥 少許(後加 用作裝飾)   <Chives/ Green Onion---a pinch>
以上材料都可按個人喜好 加多減少
Add or skip any ingredients, according to your own preferences 

醃料  Marinate:
  • 生抽 1.5 茶匙    <Soy Sauce  1.5 teaspoon>
  • 紹興酒(或米酒)1 茶匙   <Cooking WIne  1 teaspoon>
  • 糖 1 茶匙   <Sugar 1 teaspoon>
  • 鹽 1/4 茶匙   <Salt   1/4 teaspoon>
  • 胡椒粉 少許   <White Pepper a pinch>
用以上的料醃雞肉 10分鐘後 加以下的醃料 
Marinate for 10 minutes, then add the following condiments, Mix well
  • 水 少許   <Water>
  • 粟粉 2 茶匙   <Corn Flour  2 tspn>
  • 油 少許  <Canola Oil>
  1. 雞肉 去肥,切塊,醃最少一小時(放入雪櫃);   Remove fats from chicken thighs, cut into bite size. Marinade. (Follow the marinade instructions indicated). Put in fridge & marinate for at least 1 hr. 
  2. 預備洋蔥 蒜蓉及各種蔬菜;  Prepare onions, garlic & other veggies. Cut in bite size.
  3. 下油,加入已切好的洋蔥,中大火 炒至半透明;  Heat oil in frying pan, add onions (medium-high heat)
  4. 先把洋蔥 放在一碟上。鑊中加點油,爆香蒜蓉。下雞肉 ﹠洋蔥,炒至轉色;  Add garlic, chicken thighs & stir for a while.
  5. 加入韓式辣椒醬,茄汁 ﹠ 糖,炒勻;  Add Korean hot pepper paste, ketchup & sugar. Stir well.
  6. 加小青瓜,按個人喜好,加鹽等調味料;  Add cucumbers & salt (until the taste reaches your preference)
  7. 灑下少許青蔥、芝麻 作裝飾;  Sprinkle green onions & black sesame 

韓國朋友告訴 CINDY Meow Meow:  幾乎所有韓國菜式 都是把不同等份的 辣椒醬 加入調味, 所以,如大家第一次做自家韓國菜  建議自加入小入量,以免太辣
~~Korean Hot Pepper Paste "Gochujang"~~
CINDY Meow Meow was told by a Korean friend that almost all Korean dishes involve portions of hot pepper paste. It's up to you to add how much portion in it.  For first timer, add little by little. 

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茉莉花茶香吐司(湯種 超鬆軟麵包)Jasmine Tea Bread (Sweet & Soft)

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Tea is a popular aromatic drink and the most widely consumed beverage in the world. It is originated in China as a medicinal drink. Tea was first introduced to Portuguese priests and merchants in China during the 16th century, at which time it was termed chá  
Tea plants are native to East and South Asia. 

CINDY Meow Meow 每日都會喝一杯 茉莉花茶(香片)  “茉莉花茶”是用綠茶做的,但也可以用烏龍茶製成。
茉莉花茶提供了許多健康益處:包括 降低癌症的風險,降低血壓、中風風險和降低膽固醇水平。茉莉花茶更含有高濃度的抗氧化劑。
CINDY Meow Meow enjoys a cup of Jasmine tea everyday.  "Jasmine Tea" is made using green tea most often, but can also be made from Oolong tea. 
Jasmine tea offers many health benefits:  including a reduced risk of cancer, lower blood pressure, stroke and cholesterol levels.  Jasmine tea is high in antioxidants.
Tea field in South Asia
Jasmine Tea Flowers
茉莉花茶 (香片)的獨特芳香 是來自混合茶葉與茉莉花花瓣,科學研究發現:茉莉花茶的香味 對人類提供鎮靜作用。  根據<歐洲應用生理學期刊>發表的一項研究:   “研究人員調查 茉莉花茶 的花香 對24個健康志願者的情緒狀態 及自主神經活動的氣味的效果。結論是: 薰衣草和茉莉花茶氣味同樣有著 平靜心情和降低心臟速率,並有鎮定作用

"Jasmine tea has a pleasant, delicate aroma. This comes from blending the tea leaves with petals from the jasmine flower. The odor of jasmine tea has been found to offer sedative effects. In a study published by the "European Journal of Applied Physiology," researchers investigated the effect of the scent of jasmine tea on mood state and autonomic nerve activity of 24 healthy volunteers. Both lavender and jasmine tea odors similarly calmed mood and significantly decreased heart rate. This calming effect is beneficial for stress-induced high blood pressure." 

參考 Reference >  http://www.livestrong.com/article/23665-health-benefit-jasmine-tea/

So lets make a loaf of bread with such unique Jasmine tea aroma !

用具:9 X 5 吋 烤盤   
We need:  9 x 5 inches LOAF PAN 

預備 Preparation:
湯種麵糊 100g(Utane dough 100g) 
高筋麵粉 250g(Bread Flour 250g) 
全麥麵粉 50g(Whole Wheat Flour 50g)
快速酵母 3/4 茶匙(Instant dry yeast 3/4 teaspoon)
香片茶包 x 2(Jasmine Tea bag x 2) 
熱牛奶 175g(Hot Milk 175g)
黃糖/ 白砂糖 {Brown Sugar (or granulated Sugar) 30g}
鹽 1/4 茶匙(Salt 1/4 tspn)
無鹽牛油(Unsalted Butter 30g)

  • 把茉莉花茶包放入熱牛奶中,沖泡5分鐘。加糖。
  • Put Jasmine Tea bags into hot milk & brew for 5 minutes. Add in sugar. 

  • 撕開茶包。茶葉倒入牛奶中。
  • Tear off jasmine tea bags.  Pour tea leaves into the milk.

  • 把所有材料放入大容器中(除了牛油外),拌勻。搓揉 至形成麵團  {CINDY Meow Meow 是不用麵包機的。你可以用手(像香港舊式麵包鋪的老師傅般,用手搓麵粉,很考功夫的呢!)搓揉成麵團;  或像 CINDY Meow Meow ,用 KitchenAid Stand Mixer (香港朋友們稱<廚師機>,用附上的勾狀攪拌頭 Dough Hook:逐漸把速度加至2或4} 
  • Put all ingredients into a big bowl (Except BUTTER), Mix well. Knead until mixture forms into a dough  {CINDY Meow Meow DOES NOT use a bread machine. So you may knead the dough by hands; or like CINDY Meow Meow,  knead by using KitchenAid Stand Mixer, with a dough hook attached:  Gradually turn the speed up to 2 or 4)}

  • 當麵團形成,加入牛油。繼續搓揉,直到薄膜(半透明膜)出現 {按此>> 薄膜是怎樣形成?};  這表示麵筋已完全形成,麵團可準備進行第一次發酵  
  • When a dough is formed, add in Butter. Knead again, until dough passes the Windowpane Test (Translucent Membranes appear)  {Click HERE for instructions of Windowpane Test};  that means the gluten is well-developed and your dough is ready for the FIRST rise.

  • 噴一些水蓋上擰乾的濕廚房紙 發酵 90分鐘 至2倍大  
  •  Let the dough complete the first rise, until it's doubled in size.  

  • 第一次發酵完成,把麵團轉移到一個乾淨工作檯,洒點高筋麵粉。用手將空氣壓出,放氣,並分成3等份。滾圓,蓋上擰乾的濕廚房紙,讓麵團在室溫下休息20分鐘    Transfer dough onto a clean floured surface. Push to remove air, deflate and divide into 3 equal portions. Cover with plastic cling wrap, let it rest for 20 minutes at room temperature.

  • 把3個麵團搓成長形然後捲起  成為一個橄欖形,  收口處捏緊。   依照捲起的順序 把橄欖型麵團搓成長條 (比烤盤長10cm) ,  3條麵團交叉 成辮子狀,  上下兩端捏緊折入底部    Roll out the 3 portions of dough with a rolling pin. Form oval shapes & then form long shapes. Form 3 long dough into WOVEN KNOT.  Place in loaf pan. Complete the 2nd round of rise, until doubled in size.

  • 麵團放入烤盤中,再發酵1小時。發好的麵團塗上一層蛋液   放入已經預熱到170C的焗爐內 烤約40分鐘,  如麵團上方上色太快, 鋪一張錫紙以免烤太焦    烤好的吐司 在架子上放涼  
  • Brush whisked egg on surface. Sprinkle pieces of Almond on top. Bake in a pre-heated 170C (340F) oven for 40 minutes (Watch closely, put a tin foil if the top turns brown quickly.  Remove from the oven and transfer onto a wire rack. Let cool completely.
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參考 Reference > http://www.livestrong.com/article/23665-health-benefit-jasmine-tea/
參考 Reference > http://www.thekitchn.com/bakers-techniques-how-to-do-th-70784


蘋果肉桂茶(新鮮自家制) Apple Cinnamon Tea (Fresh)

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CINDY Meow Meow 的一位好友  推介了這個自家制 + 新鮮蘋果肉桂茶----混合了蘋果,蜜糖,和肉桂的氣味
CINDY Meow Meow got this amazing recipe from a friend----Apple cinnamon tea.  
It's blend of apple, sweet honey, and smell of cinnamon. 
蘋果肉桂茶 有助於預防感冒和流感病毒 
The tea tastes good and warm the body at the same time. 
If you drink Apple cinnamon tea often, it would help preventing colds and flu viruses. 

Cinnamon----Cinnamon has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties 
肉桂有助對抗病毒(例如: 流感病毒),抑制有害菌(如大腸桿菌)生長
Cinnamon fights viruses (such as cold and flu viruses), inhibits the growth of 
harmful bacteria (like E. coli), and combats infections 

配料: 2個紅蘋果,肉桂條200克,蜂蜜500毫升   
Ingredients: 2 Apples (gala) , Cinnamon sticks 200g, Honey 500ml  
1.蘋果沖洗乾淨 如可以, 用白醋浸泡一會, 這可去掉殘餘農藥 (常用的去除殘餘農藥方法 >> 按此)
3.蘋果切片, 去芯。
5.倒入玻璃瓶中, 混合。置雪櫃中, 1天後可飲 

1. Soak apples in vinegar water to wash them clean & remove pesticides residues    (Click here for proper ways to remove pesticides from fruits)
2. Wipe cinnamon in clean, damp cloth. Cut cinnamon into 5cm size.
3. Slice the apples : Cut into quarters. Please remove seeds.
4. Put cinnamon , apple , and honey into large bowl. Mix them well.
5. Place the mix in a glass bottle. Put in fridge for one day. 
 Enjoy your freshly made tea !! 
(For 1 serving>> Pour 1 tablespoon into a cup, with few pieces of apples & cinnamon sticks)

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<湯種法>做麵包秘技!必學! Bread-Making Basics

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Utane Dough made by CINDY Meow Meow 做的<湯種>

自家制麵包  因沒有用上防腐劑、乳化劑、鬆化劑、食用色素 及各種化學添加劑   所以麵包放上兩三天 就完全乾硬了  口感也不好  (當然, 如你在家煮食 但仍選擇用上各種化學添加劑 那一定有你的原因~~正常人不會明白的原因  那就隨便你了哈。。。) 

<湯種法>可說是 秘技 !!  令自家制麵包生命得以延長!

When we do bread-baking at home, the texture of bread turns dry & hard 2 days after. The reason is home-baked bread does not have food additives added, such as preservatives, emulsifiers, food colouring….etc. All of those are chemicals, which we should always try to avoid.  (P.S. If you still prefer use food additives for home-cooking, then you go ahead and use them. But then why do you even bother to spend time & energy for home-baking, home-cooking ?? )
So, a special technique is used for Asian bread-making---the Utane Dough technique.

Utane is a unique Asian Baking technique. Utane Bread is very soft, and can stay fresh longer

<湯種法> ---- 是源自陳郁芬的《65°C湯種麵包》這本書的理念
“湯” 在日本語是熱水、泡溫泉的意思在65℃下,麵粉和水的混合物中會吸收水分而變得發酵。當湯種(tangzhonog) 加入其它麵包成分,麵團質素將被提升,並產生較柔和的麵包

做法:麵粉和水的比例是  1:5

  1. 先把 1份的高筋粉(bread flour 50克)分二,三次倒進 5份的水(250毫升)中,完全混合,確定沒有粉粒
  2. 倒進一小鍋,用中慢火煮。一邊煮,一邊拌勻。慢慢會見到麵粉水越來越濃稠。
  3. 直至煮成一麵糊,就是湯種。搞拌時出現在麵糊表面的一條條線紋,  即是湯種煮好了。
  4. 把煮好的湯種倒進一碗中, 然後用保鮮膜蓋著。保鮮膜要緊貼著麵糊表面。
  5. 湯種放涼後,即可使用。餘下的湯種放入雪柜(fridge)中,可保存數天,  保存 5天還可用。只要湯種不變灰色就可以。否則,要丟掉,重新再煮。
  6. 從雪櫃拿出湯種做麵包時,需放置於室溫中一會,才放入主麵團的材料中

Utane technique >>   Ratio  1 : 5   (1 part of flour, 5 parts of water)

  1. Gradually mix 50g of bread flour into 250ml of water, stir well.  
  2. Pour flour mixture into a small pot. Cook over medium-low heat.  Stir well until thick. 
  3. Utane dough is done when the batter turns into paste-like texture (Stripes pattern appear).
  4. Pour Utane dough into a small bowl. Cover with plastic cling wrap to prevent dry up.
  5. Use when it turns cool. Or store in fridge & keep for 5 days at most.  Do not use when it turns grey.
  6. When take Utane dough out from fridge, let it rest for a while until it reaches Room temperature).  Measure the amount of Utane your recipe calls for.  The Utane Bread is so fluffy & soft that can stay fresh for longer period of time. 
參考短片 Video for Reference <Eng-subtitled>----How to make Basic Utane Dough (湯種面糰做法)
Video >>  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2tgtbDV6dI

湯種的煮法,使用和保存法【麵包秘訣】 Tips on Cooking Tangzhong (Utane)


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教學:各種麵粉的分別 Types of Flour for Baking

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Different flours consist of different levels of protein and fiber, which affect the final baked product.

Where does flour come from?   
"The baking flour comes from the wheat berry of the wheat plant.  A wheat berry is divided into three parts:  bran, endosperm, and germ." 

  • The bran is the hard outer shell that covers the wheat berry. An excellent source of fiber, the bran also contains most of the minerals. Because the bran has sharp edges, which interfere with gluten development, it is removed during milling--and then often added back in later.
  • The germ is the part of the grain that would become the plant. Wheat germ is very high in protein and B vitamins. It is removed in the milling process because its high fat content causes the flour to become rancid more quickly. Wheat germ should be stored in the refrigerator.
  • The endosperm is the food that the seed would consume on its way to becoming a plant. The flour that we use for baking, unless it is whole wheat, has had the germ and the bran removed. The remaining endosperm is composed mostly of starch and protein.

~麵粉比較 Comparison~
中筋麵粉:  蛋白質含量為 9.5 ~ 12.0%,多用途。 而且中筋粉多用在在中式點心製作上:如包子、饅頭,餃子皮等。大部分中式點心都是以中筋粉來製作的。
All-Purpose Flour/ Plain Flour:  9.5 -12% protein in all-purpose flour.  As its name states, this flour has many uses and is the one most frequently used in baking. It's a middle-of-the-road flour in terms of protein content, and produces tender cakes.

未經漂白中筋麵粉:  精製的麵粉 但是沒有添加任何增白劑。而普通漂白麵粉 是使用化學物質漂白。未漂白的中筋麵粉中獲得廣泛應用,是幾乎所有的烘焙一個不錯的選擇
Unbleached All-Purpose Flour:   Refined flour that has not had any whitening agents added to it. Bleached flour is flour that has been whitened – i.e. bleached – using chemicals like peroxide. Bleaching flour does not have much of an impact on the flavour of the flour 

全麥麵粉:是由全粒小麥經過磨粉、篩分(分級適當顆粒大小)等步驟,保有與原來整粒小麥相同比例之胚乳、麩皮及胚芽等成分製成的產品,全麥麵粉營養豐富,是天然健康的營養食品。 全麥麵粉在掌心搓開,可以看到有粉碎的麩皮在裡面,口感較一般麵粉粗糙,麥香味更濃郁
Whole-Wheat Flour:   Milled from the complete wheat kernel (both the bran and the germ) this flour retains many nutrients and is higher in fiber than many other flours. It gives baked products a nuttier flavor and denser texture than all-purpose flour, which is why it's often mixed with all-purpose flour.

低筋粉: 蛋白質含量在8.5%以下,因此筋性亦弱,多用來做蛋糕的鬆軟糕點。如果找不到低筋麵粉,可選那些顏色較為白的普通麵粉, 因為漂白過的麵粉或混入20%玉米粉的麵粉筋性會相對較低
Cake Flour:   Below 8.5% of Protein.  Cake flour has the least protein and yields very light baked goods, making it ideal for delicate products such as sponge cakes and some cookie 

高筋麵粉: 蛋白質含量約12.5 ~ 13.5%,蛋白質含量高,因此筋度強,多用來做麵包等
Bread Flour:    Bread flour has the most protein and is used to make denser items, including breads and pizza dough, where you want a chewier texture. Bread flour is high in gluten protein, with 12.5-13.5% protein

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Reference 1: http://www.cookinglight.com/cooking-101/techniques/types-of-flour
Reference 2:  http://allrecipes.com/howto/all-about-flour/

芝士紅黃馬鈴薯青蔥煎餅 Red & Gold Potatoes Mozzarella Cheese Pancakes

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每天吃不同顏色的水果& 蔬菜 可改善改善健康 及提高維他命、礦物質的攝取~  紅、黃馬鈴薯對健康也有不同的好處
To improve health and maximize mineral & vitamin intake, we should eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables each day---How about eating some coloured potatoes ?

CINDY Meow Meow 讀大學時 也曾修過營養學   這21世紀 食物科學(Food Science) 是不可欠缺的知識 
CINDY Meow Meow has a taken a few Nutrition-related courses while in university undergraduate program. Now it's time to applying those knowledges in daily life.

* Red & Yellow Potato nutrients comparison  紅、黃馬鈴薯營養比較 *
85-gram Red Potato = 70 Calories  
85-gram Yellow (Gold) Potato = 77 Calories

85-gram Red Potato = 2g of Protein, 15g Carbohydrates, 1g Fiber
85-gram Yellow Potato = 1.5g of Protein, 19g Carbohydrates, 1g Fiber

85-gram Red Potato = 0.7mg of Iron, 0mg of Calcium
85-gram Yellow Potato = 1.3mg of Iron, 15mg of Calcium

〜鐵質(Iron) 是人體所需 ﹣制造 紅血球,而鈣質(Calcium) ﹣對骨骼健康很重要
〜紅、黃馬鈴薯中的 紅和黃色素(天然)均具抗氧化的功效
~Iron is needed to make red blood cells, and calcium is important for bone health
~Both the Red & Yellow colouring (natural) yields some of its antioxidant power

Recipes of Red & Gold Potatoes Mozzarella Cheese Pancakes (Yields 4-6 pcs)

材料 Preparation :   
~Types of Flour~Link Here 按此> 教學:各種麵粉的分別 Types of Flour for Baking>
紅﹠黃馬鈴薯 380g, 中筋麵粉 200g, 全麥麵粉100g, 熱牛奶 90ml,
橄欖油 2茶匙, 青蔥4條(切蔥花), 紅蘿蔔絲 20g, 芝士絲 60g

Red & Gold mini potatoes 380g, Unbleached All Purpose Flour 200g, Whole Wheat Flour 100g,
Milk 90ml (warm), Olive Oil 2 tbsp, Chives/ Green Onions--4 (Sliced), Shredded Carrots 20g, Mozzarella Cheese 60g (Shredded)

調味料 Condiments :
鹽 1/2 茶匙 (或加多減少 隨自己口味), 白胡椒粉少許   

Salt 1/2 tsp (or more, add to your own preference),  Pinch of white pepper to taste 

做法 Instructions :
1. 馬鈴薯切塊 (如選擇用 RUSSET Potatoes,去皮),放入煲中加清水(水量必須蓋過馬鈴薯塊 太約 2吋);  Cut Red & Gold mini potatoes into slices (If you prefer Russet potatoes, peel off skins),  Add sliced potatoes into large pot of water (Water level should be 2 inches over potatoes)

2. 中火煮12-15分鐘至叉子可以輕易插入的程度;   

Cook potatoes for 12-15 minutes (Medium heat), until they can be poked by a fork

3. 煮軟的馬鈴薯撈起, 瀝乾水, 趁熱用叉子(或用專門做著蓉的 smasher 壓成泥狀)
Smash potatoes using a smasher or fork

4. 中筋麵粉, 全麥麵粉, 橄欖油及調味料放入 已壓好的馬鈴薯蓉中, 再加入熱牛奶
Add All Purpose Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, Olive Oil & condiments into big bowl of smashed potatoes. Add warm milk 

5. 所有材料混合均勻搓成為一個團狀(可用手,或像 CINDY Meow Meow 用 Stand Mixer--用最慢速+勾狀攪拌頭 Dough Hook)  
5. Use your hand (Or like CINDY Meow Meow, use Stand Mixer--lowest speed + dough hook), mix all ingredients into a batter

(若麵團變得太濕, 逐漸酌量加入中筋麵粉; 相反,若太乾,加入牛奶或暖水) (If the batter becomes too wet & watery, gradually add in some cake flour; Likewise, if too dry, add more milk or warm water)

6. 加入蔥花﹠紅蘿蔔絲 & 芝士絲(Shredded Mozzarella Cheese) <<CINDY Meow Meow 選用淺色的,因黃色的含有食用色素
Add sliced chives/ green onions, shredded carrots & shredded mozzarella cheese << CINDY Meow Meow prefers light yellow mozzarella, becoz the yellow one contains artificial food colour. Try to avoid ARTIFICIAL food colouring when possible 

7. 混合均勻,蓋上濕布/濕廚房紙(擰乾)麵團休息閒置30分鐘

Mix the batter well, cover with wet kitchen paper. Let sits for 30 minutes

8. 加入橄欖油在平底鍋中, 中小火煎,至兩面金黃色
Heat pan with olive oil, low-medium,  until pancakes surface turn golden-yellow 

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Reference >> http://www.livestrong.com/article/266755-nutritional-difference-between-red-yellow-potatoes/


<美顏> 檸檬薏米水 Lemon Pearl Barley Drink

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中華民族 幾千年以來的傳統智慧 的確應用了不少在飲食方面 令大家有良好的體質

薏米~~薏米一般分為生薏米熟薏米兩種,中醫角度來說,兩者都有健脾胃、利小便、消水腫及寧神安眠之效,味道同樣甘淡。生薏米性微寒,適合體質較熱性者食用;而熟薏米寒性較輕,適合體質較寒涼者選用。功效上,生薏米有利於祛濕除風;熟薏米則有助健脾益胃、治脾虛泄瀉。所以要去水腫的話,生薏米的食療功效比較高,利水祛濕功效亦較強。 不過要小心留意,懷孕婦女不宜吃薏米,因為中醫認為其質滑利。藥理實驗證明薏米中所含有的薏苡仁油,對子宮平滑肌有興奮作用,可促使子宮收縮,因而有誘發流產的可能

生薏米     50g
熟薏米     50g
水     2.5 L 
檸檬     1個  (Optional)

  • 將生熟薏米清洗乾淨,最少浸45分鐘 (因熟薏米含有殘餘 sulphur dioxide >> 二氧化硫 防腐劑) 再過水幾次
  • 煲內加入大量水(2.5L)大火煲至滾
  • 滾起後,加蓋轉小火煮1小時,關火再焗 30分鐘
  • 待涼後加入檸檬汁  (不要連同檸檬汁一起煲,因會變苦)
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Reference >>  http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/supplement/food/art/20130529/18275035


西餐香料用途表(有用!) Spices & Herbs Chart

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圖片參考網站 Reference >>  http://www.cooksmarts.com

圖片參考網站 Reference >> http://inntrending.com/chart-for-spices-and-herbs/

Herbs, Spices and Seasonings Substitutions
Allspice1 tsp1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp ground cloves OR
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon, 1/4 tsp. ground cloves, 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
Ammonium carbonate3/4 tsp1 tsp baking soda
Anchovy, mashed11 tsp anchovy paste
Anise Extract1 tsp1 1/2 tsp anise seed
Aniseed1 tsp1 tsp Fennel seed or a few drops anise extract
Apple Pie Spice1 tsp
Mix 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon, 1/4 tsp ground ginger, 1/8 tsp ground allspice and 1/8 tsp ground nutmeg OR
1 tsp cinnamon plus 1/8 tsp ground nutmeg OR
1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp nutmeg, and 1/8 tsp cardamom OR
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon, 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg, 1/8 tsp ground allspice, 1/8 tsp ground cardamom
Arrowroot1 tbsp
2 tbsp all-purpose flour OR
1 tbsp cornstarch
Basil1 tsp1 tsp Oregano or thyme
Bay Leaf1 whole1/4 tsp crushed
Beau monde1 tbsp2 tsp onion powder, 1 tsp celery salt
Cardamom1 tsp1 tsp Ginger OR
1 tsp ground cinnamon
Cayenne1/8 tsp4 drops tabasco sauce
Celery Salt1 tsp3/4 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp crushed celery seed
Celery seed (for pickling)1 tbsp1 tbsp dill seed
Chervil1 tsp1 tsp dried parsley flakes plus 1/8 tsp rubbed, dried sage OR
1 tsp parsley
Chili Hot Red, dried, whole1 tsp1 tsp Crushed red pepper
Chili Powder, hot1 tsp
1 tsp
1 tbsp
1 tsp regular chili powder plus 1/8 tsp ground red pepper OR
Dash bottled hot pepper sauce plus a combination of oregano and cumin OR
2 tsp cumin, 1 tsp cayenne, 1 tsp oregano, 1/2 tsp garlic powder
Chinese Five Spice1 tsp1/4 tsp each of: Crushed anise seeds, ground cinnamon, ground cloves and ground ginger
ChivesGreen onion, onion, or leek
Cinnamon1 tsp1/4 tsp Nutmeg or allspice
Cinnamon Sugar1 cup7/8 cup granulated sugar, 2 tbsp ground cinnamon
ClovesAllspice, cinnamon, or nutmeg
CuminChili powder
Curry Powder1 tbsp1/2 tsp ground cardamom, 1/2 tsp cayenne, 1/2 tsp ground coriander seed, 1/2 tsp cumin, 1/2 tsp ground ginger, 1/2 tsp turmeric
Dill3 tsp fresh chopped1 tsp dried dill
Dried Herbs1/2 tsp dried1 tsp fresh
Fennel seeds1 tsp1 tsp caraway seeds
Fines Herbs1 tsp
1/3 cup
1/4 tsp each of dried thyme leaves, oregano leaves, sage leaves and rosemary OR
3 tbsp parsley flakes, 2 tsp dried chervil, 2 tsp dried chives, 1 tsp dried tarragon
Five Spice Power5 tsp1 tsp ground anise, 1 tsp ground fennel, 1 tsp ground cloves, 1 tsp ground cinnamon, 1 tsp ground pepper
Garlic1 clove fresh1/8 tsp garlic powder OR
3/4 tsp minced garlic OR
1/2 tsp garlic salt OR
1/2 tsp garlic juice OR
1 tsp garlic paste
Garlic Powder1/8 tsp1/2 tsp garlic juice OR
1 tsp garlic paste OR
1/2 tsp garlic salt
Garlic Salt1/2 tsp1/2 tsp garlic juice OR
1 clove garlic, minced OR
1/8 tsp garlic powder
1 tbsp
Allspice, cinnamon, mace, or nutmeg OR
1/8 tsp powdered ginger
Gingerroot (grated fresh)1/2 tsp1/4 tsp ground ginger
Herbs, dried leaf1 tsp1/4 tsp herbs, powdered
Herbs, fresh1 tsp
1 tbsp
1/2 tsp herbs, dried
1 tsp herbs, dried
Italian Seasoning2 tbsp1 tsp each of: basil, oregano, marjoram, rosemary, sage and thyme
Leeks (sliced)1/2 cup1/2 cup sliced green onions or shallots
MaceAllspice, cinnamon, ginger, or nutmeg
MarjoramBasil, thyme, or savory
MintBasil, marjoram, or rosemary
NutmegCinnamon, ginger, or mace
Onion Powder1 tsp1 tbsp instant minced onion
OreganoThyme, basil, or marjoram
Parsley, dried1 tsp1 tsp Chervil or cilantro
Parsley, fresh, chopped1 tbsp1 tsp parsley flakes
Pepper flakes, hot1 tsp1/2 tsp cayenne
Poultry Seasoning1 tsp
1 1/3 tsp
3/4 tsp sage, 1/4 ground thyme OR
3/4 tsp sage, 1/4 tsp thyme, 1/8 tsp ground cloves, 1/4 tsp pepper
Pumpkin Pie Spice1 tsp1/2 tsp ground cinnamon, 1/4 tsp ground ginger, 1/8 tsp ground allspice, 1/8 tsp ground nutmeg OR
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon, 1/8 tsp ground nutmeg, 1/8 tsp ground mace, 1/8 tsp ground ginger, 1/8 tsp ground cloves
Red PepperDash bottled hot pepper sauce or black pepper
RosemaryThyme, tarragon, or savory
SagePoultry seasoning, savory, marjoram, or rosemary
Salt, seasoned4 tsp2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp sage, 1/2 tsp parsley flakes, 1/2 tsp onion powder, 1/4 tsp marjoram, 1/4 tsp paprika
Salt, table1 tbsp1 1/2 tbsp kosher salt
SavoryThyme, marjoram, or sage
Sesame Seed1 tbsp1 tbsp finely chopped blanched almonds
TarragonChervil, dash fennel seed, or dash aniseed
ThymeBasil, marjoram, oregano, or savory
Tumeric1 tsp1 tsp dry mustard

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圖片參考網站 Reference >> http://www.recipetips.com/kitchen-tips/t--200/food-substitutions.asp