
<湯種法>做麵包秘技!必學! Bread-Making Basics

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Utane Dough made by CINDY Meow Meow 做的<湯種>

自家制麵包  因沒有用上防腐劑、乳化劑、鬆化劑、食用色素 及各種化學添加劑   所以麵包放上兩三天 就完全乾硬了  口感也不好  (當然, 如你在家煮食 但仍選擇用上各種化學添加劑 那一定有你的原因~~正常人不會明白的原因  那就隨便你了哈。。。) 

<湯種法>可說是 秘技 !!  令自家制麵包生命得以延長!

When we do bread-baking at home, the texture of bread turns dry & hard 2 days after. The reason is home-baked bread does not have food additives added, such as preservatives, emulsifiers, food colouring….etc. All of those are chemicals, which we should always try to avoid.  (P.S. If you still prefer use food additives for home-cooking, then you go ahead and use them. But then why do you even bother to spend time & energy for home-baking, home-cooking ?? )
So, a special technique is used for Asian bread-making---the Utane Dough technique.

Utane is a unique Asian Baking technique. Utane Bread is very soft, and can stay fresh longer

<湯種法> ---- 是源自陳郁芬的《65°C湯種麵包》這本書的理念
“湯” 在日本語是熱水、泡溫泉的意思在65℃下,麵粉和水的混合物中會吸收水分而變得發酵。當湯種(tangzhonog) 加入其它麵包成分,麵團質素將被提升,並產生較柔和的麵包

做法:麵粉和水的比例是  1:5

  1. 先把 1份的高筋粉(bread flour 50克)分二,三次倒進 5份的水(250毫升)中,完全混合,確定沒有粉粒
  2. 倒進一小鍋,用中慢火煮。一邊煮,一邊拌勻。慢慢會見到麵粉水越來越濃稠。
  3. 直至煮成一麵糊,就是湯種。搞拌時出現在麵糊表面的一條條線紋,  即是湯種煮好了。
  4. 把煮好的湯種倒進一碗中, 然後用保鮮膜蓋著。保鮮膜要緊貼著麵糊表面。
  5. 湯種放涼後,即可使用。餘下的湯種放入雪柜(fridge)中,可保存數天,  保存 5天還可用。只要湯種不變灰色就可以。否則,要丟掉,重新再煮。
  6. 從雪櫃拿出湯種做麵包時,需放置於室溫中一會,才放入主麵團的材料中

Utane technique >>   Ratio  1 : 5   (1 part of flour, 5 parts of water)

  1. Gradually mix 50g of bread flour into 250ml of water, stir well.  
  2. Pour flour mixture into a small pot. Cook over medium-low heat.  Stir well until thick. 
  3. Utane dough is done when the batter turns into paste-like texture (Stripes pattern appear).
  4. Pour Utane dough into a small bowl. Cover with plastic cling wrap to prevent dry up.
  5. Use when it turns cool. Or store in fridge & keep for 5 days at most.  Do not use when it turns grey.
  6. When take Utane dough out from fridge, let it rest for a while until it reaches Room temperature).  Measure the amount of Utane your recipe calls for.  The Utane Bread is so fluffy & soft that can stay fresh for longer period of time. 
參考短片 Video for Reference <Eng-subtitled>----How to make Basic Utane Dough (湯種面糰做法)
Video >>  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2tgtbDV6dI

湯種的煮法,使用和保存法【麵包秘訣】 Tips on Cooking Tangzhong (Utane)


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