
茉莉花茶香吐司(湯種 超鬆軟麵包)Jasmine Tea Bread (Sweet & Soft)

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Tea is a popular aromatic drink and the most widely consumed beverage in the world. It is originated in China as a medicinal drink. Tea was first introduced to Portuguese priests and merchants in China during the 16th century, at which time it was termed chá  
Tea plants are native to East and South Asia. 

CINDY Meow Meow 每日都會喝一杯 茉莉花茶(香片)  “茉莉花茶”是用綠茶做的,但也可以用烏龍茶製成。
茉莉花茶提供了許多健康益處:包括 降低癌症的風險,降低血壓、中風風險和降低膽固醇水平。茉莉花茶更含有高濃度的抗氧化劑。
CINDY Meow Meow enjoys a cup of Jasmine tea everyday.  "Jasmine Tea" is made using green tea most often, but can also be made from Oolong tea. 
Jasmine tea offers many health benefits:  including a reduced risk of cancer, lower blood pressure, stroke and cholesterol levels.  Jasmine tea is high in antioxidants.
Tea field in South Asia
Jasmine Tea Flowers
茉莉花茶 (香片)的獨特芳香 是來自混合茶葉與茉莉花花瓣,科學研究發現:茉莉花茶的香味 對人類提供鎮靜作用。  根據<歐洲應用生理學期刊>發表的一項研究:   “研究人員調查 茉莉花茶 的花香 對24個健康志願者的情緒狀態 及自主神經活動的氣味的效果。結論是: 薰衣草和茉莉花茶氣味同樣有著 平靜心情和降低心臟速率,並有鎮定作用

"Jasmine tea has a pleasant, delicate aroma. This comes from blending the tea leaves with petals from the jasmine flower. The odor of jasmine tea has been found to offer sedative effects. In a study published by the "European Journal of Applied Physiology," researchers investigated the effect of the scent of jasmine tea on mood state and autonomic nerve activity of 24 healthy volunteers. Both lavender and jasmine tea odors similarly calmed mood and significantly decreased heart rate. This calming effect is beneficial for stress-induced high blood pressure." 

參考 Reference >  http://www.livestrong.com/article/23665-health-benefit-jasmine-tea/

So lets make a loaf of bread with such unique Jasmine tea aroma !

用具:9 X 5 吋 烤盤   
We need:  9 x 5 inches LOAF PAN 

預備 Preparation:
湯種麵糊 100g(Utane dough 100g) 
高筋麵粉 250g(Bread Flour 250g) 
全麥麵粉 50g(Whole Wheat Flour 50g)
快速酵母 3/4 茶匙(Instant dry yeast 3/4 teaspoon)
香片茶包 x 2(Jasmine Tea bag x 2) 
熱牛奶 175g(Hot Milk 175g)
黃糖/ 白砂糖 {Brown Sugar (or granulated Sugar) 30g}
鹽 1/4 茶匙(Salt 1/4 tspn)
無鹽牛油(Unsalted Butter 30g)

  • 把茉莉花茶包放入熱牛奶中,沖泡5分鐘。加糖。
  • Put Jasmine Tea bags into hot milk & brew for 5 minutes. Add in sugar. 

  • 撕開茶包。茶葉倒入牛奶中。
  • Tear off jasmine tea bags.  Pour tea leaves into the milk.

  • 把所有材料放入大容器中(除了牛油外),拌勻。搓揉 至形成麵團  {CINDY Meow Meow 是不用麵包機的。你可以用手(像香港舊式麵包鋪的老師傅般,用手搓麵粉,很考功夫的呢!)搓揉成麵團;  或像 CINDY Meow Meow ,用 KitchenAid Stand Mixer (香港朋友們稱<廚師機>,用附上的勾狀攪拌頭 Dough Hook:逐漸把速度加至2或4} 
  • Put all ingredients into a big bowl (Except BUTTER), Mix well. Knead until mixture forms into a dough  {CINDY Meow Meow DOES NOT use a bread machine. So you may knead the dough by hands; or like CINDY Meow Meow,  knead by using KitchenAid Stand Mixer, with a dough hook attached:  Gradually turn the speed up to 2 or 4)}

  • 當麵團形成,加入牛油。繼續搓揉,直到薄膜(半透明膜)出現 {按此>> 薄膜是怎樣形成?};  這表示麵筋已完全形成,麵團可準備進行第一次發酵  
  • When a dough is formed, add in Butter. Knead again, until dough passes the Windowpane Test (Translucent Membranes appear)  {Click HERE for instructions of Windowpane Test};  that means the gluten is well-developed and your dough is ready for the FIRST rise.

  • 噴一些水蓋上擰乾的濕廚房紙 發酵 90分鐘 至2倍大  
  •  Let the dough complete the first rise, until it's doubled in size.  

  • 第一次發酵完成,把麵團轉移到一個乾淨工作檯,洒點高筋麵粉。用手將空氣壓出,放氣,並分成3等份。滾圓,蓋上擰乾的濕廚房紙,讓麵團在室溫下休息20分鐘    Transfer dough onto a clean floured surface. Push to remove air, deflate and divide into 3 equal portions. Cover with plastic cling wrap, let it rest for 20 minutes at room temperature.

  • 把3個麵團搓成長形然後捲起  成為一個橄欖形,  收口處捏緊。   依照捲起的順序 把橄欖型麵團搓成長條 (比烤盤長10cm) ,  3條麵團交叉 成辮子狀,  上下兩端捏緊折入底部    Roll out the 3 portions of dough with a rolling pin. Form oval shapes & then form long shapes. Form 3 long dough into WOVEN KNOT.  Place in loaf pan. Complete the 2nd round of rise, until doubled in size.

  • 麵團放入烤盤中,再發酵1小時。發好的麵團塗上一層蛋液   放入已經預熱到170C的焗爐內 烤約40分鐘,  如麵團上方上色太快, 鋪一張錫紙以免烤太焦    烤好的吐司 在架子上放涼  
  • Brush whisked egg on surface. Sprinkle pieces of Almond on top. Bake in a pre-heated 170C (340F) oven for 40 minutes (Watch closely, put a tin foil if the top turns brown quickly.  Remove from the oven and transfer onto a wire rack. Let cool completely.
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參考 Reference > http://www.livestrong.com/article/23665-health-benefit-jasmine-tea/
參考 Reference > http://www.thekitchn.com/bakers-techniques-how-to-do-th-70784

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